Every Christ follower is a saint, a sufferer and a sinner. Most of the time, regular Bible reading and prayer, obeying what He says and living in community with fellow believers is enough to keep us moving through the wilderness-challenges of life. But, every now and then, something happens and it sets us back, knocks us off kilter, turns our world upside down. And for some of us, it’s not now and then—it feels like it's all the time. Whether it’s occasional or constant, you hurt—you’re afraid, anxious, bewildered, horribly embarrassed and maybe, angry too.
Biblical counseling help is available. It is free to members of CrossPointe—for men, women, couples, and children. Counseling is done at church in Room 111. To find out more about counseling or to request for counseling help, email Na-Shuang Box at nashuang.freeburg@gmail.com. Rev. Rick Box is present to lend support to men and couples in counseling.