Share: Share stories...struggles...successes...LIFE!
Study: Study and apply God's Word.
Serve: Reaching out to love one another, encouraging, supporting, and pushing one another closer to Christ.
Brown (55+): Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays after worship in the fellowship hall for lunch and discussion.
Contact Al Brown:, or Nona Brown
Johnson: Meets near Round Rock High School Twice a Month at 6pm at the home of Steve and Heather Johnson. Childcare provided.
Contact Steve:
Miller/Weir: meets in Round Rock two Sundays a month at 4:00pm.
Contact Steve:
Schwarzlose: Meets in Milwood twice a month at the home of Zane and Alicia Schwarzlose. Kid friendly group.
Contact Zane:
Todd: meets near Balcones Country Club on 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:30p.m. at the Todds' home.
Contact David:
Younger Adults: Meets in north Austin semi-regularly.
Contact Mitch Young:
Often these groups will have a time of fellowship and or shared meal, sermon discussion questions, and a time of prayer. Contact one of the group leaders, or let us know below if you are interested in joining a group below.